
Live Music NowThe Mayfield Valley Arts Trust is a UK registered charity (No 327665). Annual report and accounts are submitted to the Charity Commission of England & Wales.

The Trust has two funds:

  1. Main Fund which distributes in the region of £100,000 annually.  This Fund is fully committed and will not consider new applications until October 2024;
  2. AHT Enterprise Fund which distributes in the region of £24,000 annually. This Fund is directed to new initiatives which fall within the objectives of the Trust.

Applications for funding will only be accepted from organisations which have charitable status and a proven track record of good governance and sound management. 

MVAT will not provide funding for:

  1. the education of individual students;
  2. the purchase of musical instruments for individuals, schools and organisations;
  3. capital appeals.

The Trust meets once a year in the Autumn.  Applications should be received at least three months in advance in order to be reviewed. 

The Mayfield Valley Arts Trust is happy to offer advice, expertise and guidance to individuals wishing to support the arts in the UK. The Trust can also act as a cost effective custodian for funds that other trusts and individuals wish to direct towards arts organisations that fall within its objectives.